About Stephen Abbott: writer/director

Stephen is a writer, director, photographer and editor. He likes travel, coffee, stories, mountains, movies, music, and some other things.

He studied acting and film at Wits University, graduating in 2004. Since then he has been engaged in the South African film and television industry as a writer, director and editor. In 2005 Stephen co-launched a small film, television and video production company named Stealth Donkey Moving Pictures.

In 2009, Stephen was selected as part of Focus Features’ Africa First programme. Dirty Laundry, the resulting short film, is a dark comedy about a guy trying to get his washing done. In 2011, Dirty Laundry received both the best South African short film and best short film awards at the 32nd Durban International Film Festival.

In 2011, Stephen is writing a feature screenplay as part of the NFVF’s development funding programme.

Stephen is known for his uncompromising devotion to quality and is firmly committed to the development and progression of a loyal film culture in Southern Africa. He’s also been known to make a fine caffe latte.